Thursday, January 13, 2011

2011/01/12 - Traditions

Wednesday, Jan. 12
Zack Butterfield


We all have traditions. We have our traditions with our family. Friday is Daddy Daughter Day at my house because I spend all day Friday with Ella. We have traditions with our friends. My senior buddies and I would go to Perkins every Friday morning before school. We also have traditions in our youth group. We learn about Christ, go on trips, play fun games. A lot of these traditions can be good and can be a healthy way to identify yourself. But some traditions are, well, not-so-good. In this lesson, we look at Jesus when He calls into question some not-so-good traditions that the Pharisees were trying to impose on the disciples, and we look at what He can teach us as we examine some of our own youth group traditions. I've also included the handout that we used. Use it this week in your devotion time. Have a great weekend and we'll see you next Turbo Charged! :)


Friday, January 7, 2011

2011/01/05 - A Group With A Difference

Wednesday, Jan. 5
Zack Butterfield
Group with a Difference

I loved my choir growing up. We had such a good time together. I loved them most because I could be myself, laugh and joke around with people my own age, and I really felt accepted. As teenagers, we all have different groups that identify us and influence us. In this lesson we look at a church youth group and ask the question, What makes FLIGHT different from these other groups? What makes us unique? When we pull back all the dynamics of our group, all of our activities, we find the true difference that is and should ALWAYS be, Jesus.