Wednesday, May 18, 2011

2011/05/10 - Faithshakers 5 Why Do I Feel Sad?

Wednesday, May 10
Zack Butterfield


So the Bible tells us that the life of a Christian should be happy a happy one right? It says "rejoice always" and "my hope is in the Lord". But at the same time, Jesus gave us clear warnings that we would be persecuted for our faith. In fact, we even saw times where Jesus was brought to tears. In This lesson we ask ourselves the question "Why do I feel sad even as a Christian?" Listen in as we dig through God's Word together to find the answer.

This was our last week of Turbo Charged before taking a break. We'll pick it back up June 22.


Thursday, April 28, 2011

2011/04/27 - Faithshakers 3 Why Don't I Feel Close to God?

Wednesday, Apr. 27
Zack Butterfield


Have there ever been times when you don't feel close to God? Maybe it's during those times when you are stressed and it feels like life is a whirlwind. Maybe you are facing difficult decisions and God doesn't seem to be given you answers. Maybe something really bad has happened and it feels like you are talking to wall when you pray.

The Bible shows us that God is not as far as He sometimes feels. Listen in to check out more.


Thursday, March 31, 2011

2011/03/30 - Faithshakers 1

Wednesday, Mar. 30
Zack Butterfield

Does God really care about the things that I do? He's God right? He's the creator of the universe and I'm sure is a really busy fact if He is so busy does He even have time for me? Does God really even care about me?!

This is the first set of questions we will dive into in our new "FaithShakers" series. We're all going to come across moments in our lives where we will be tempted to ask questions that may shake up our faith.

But we remember that when we stand in Christ, we are standing on solid ground. Listen in as we answer the question, "Does God care about me?" using Biblical proof.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

2011/03/23 - Putting Faith Into Practice

Wednesday, Mar. 23
Zack Butterfield

We're back from spring break! I hope you all had a great vacation time! In this lesson we wrapped up our "Faith Driver's ed" series. Every good driver take what they learned and puts it into practice when they drive. Any driver knows that when you get your license, it's not the end of your driving career but the beginning! With this idea in mind, we remember that when you start a relationship with Jesus, it's just that... the start! Jesus does offer us complete salvation based on Grace and there is nothing we can do to earn it. So why do we need to DO anything as Christians? Take some time to listen in as we talk about that very thing. We know the basic answer: We DO everything that Jesus tells us to. So let's go deeper and find out WHY?


2011/03/09 - Good Decisions in Faith

Wednesday, Mar. 9
Zack Butterfield

In our faith we all come across situations where we have to make decisions. Some decisions are easy like, what am I eating for breakfast today? Some decisions can be fun like, what kind of car am I going to drive when I get my license? Other decisions can be hard, like what am I going to do for my life? We all have decisions to make. Thankfully we have a guide to help us learn how to make good decisions with the wisdom God offers to give us in all of these situations. Listen in to find out more! (We did have a glitch in the recording so it sounds different. It's not you or your computer. We'll have it fixed for next week.)


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A little break

Hey everyone!

If you are looking for the latest lesson on "Making Good Decisions", it will be here soon. Our awesome helper Randy is with the church group in Italy and it will be posted on his return. Also, because of Spring break, remember there is no lesson for today. But don't worry! We'll jump right back into things next Wednesday at 6:00! See you there and have a great break! I'll see you all Sunday.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

2011/02/23 - Faith Maintenance (Part 1)

Wednesday, Feb. 23
Zack Butterfield

What does a spiritually healthy person look like? Why do so many Chrisitans seem to be excited about their faith but then they get burned out? These are pretty common questions. Unfortunately we see a lot of Christians that are getting "burned out" on their faith or sometimes giving up altogether. This even happens sometimes shortly after initially trusting in Jesus! The reason why people break down in their faith is the same reason a car cna break down on the maintenance!
In Matthew 6 we see Jesus showing us a big answer to the question, what does a spiritually healthy person look like? What are some areas we as Christians need to maintain to stay healthy in our faith? In this lesson, we talk about giving and praying, two huge areas in a Christian life. We find out what our attitude should be in these areas how we should accomplish these two things in our lives. Make sure you find time to pray and give of yourself this week. Check out the podcast to learn more! Your youth pastor is praying for you :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

2011/02/16 - Temptation

Wednesday, Feb. 16
Zack Butterfield

When we are drive down the road that follows Christ, there will be opportunities that come that may veer us off course. Temptations come to believers that are meant to keep us from the truth. To keep us from becoming more like Christ. To keep us from proper fellowship with Jesus. Not only should these temptations be expected, but we should prepare to stand against them as well. In this lesson we look at our best example of standing strong: Jesus. When we examine the nature of temptations, and see how He handles them, we realize we not only have a God that we can truly trust and follow, but we also have a Lord that we stand strong in.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

2011/01/12 - Traditions

Wednesday, Jan. 12
Zack Butterfield


We all have traditions. We have our traditions with our family. Friday is Daddy Daughter Day at my house because I spend all day Friday with Ella. We have traditions with our friends. My senior buddies and I would go to Perkins every Friday morning before school. We also have traditions in our youth group. We learn about Christ, go on trips, play fun games. A lot of these traditions can be good and can be a healthy way to identify yourself. But some traditions are, well, not-so-good. In this lesson, we look at Jesus when He calls into question some not-so-good traditions that the Pharisees were trying to impose on the disciples, and we look at what He can teach us as we examine some of our own youth group traditions. I've also included the handout that we used. Use it this week in your devotion time. Have a great weekend and we'll see you next Turbo Charged! :)


Friday, January 7, 2011

2011/01/05 - A Group With A Difference

Wednesday, Jan. 5
Zack Butterfield
Group with a Difference

I loved my choir growing up. We had such a good time together. I loved them most because I could be myself, laugh and joke around with people my own age, and I really felt accepted. As teenagers, we all have different groups that identify us and influence us. In this lesson we look at a church youth group and ask the question, What makes FLIGHT different from these other groups? What makes us unique? When we pull back all the dynamics of our group, all of our activities, we find the true difference that is and should ALWAYS be, Jesus.