Zack Butterfield
What does a spiritually healthy person look like? Why do so many Chrisitans seem to be excited about their faith but then they get burned out? These are pretty common questions. Unfortunately we see a lot of Christians that are getting "burned out" on their faith or sometimes giving up altogether. This even happens sometimes shortly after initially trusting in Jesus! The reason why people break down in their faith is the same reason a car cna break down on the maintenance!
In Matthew 6 we see Jesus showing us a big answer to the question, what does a spiritually healthy person look like? What are some areas we as Christians need to maintain to stay healthy in our faith? In this lesson, we talk about giving and praying, two huge areas in a Christian life. We find out what our attitude should be in these areas how we should accomplish these two things in our lives. Make sure you find time to pray and give of yourself this week. Check out the podcast to learn more! Your youth pastor is praying for you :)
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